Katherine Pohlman

BS, DC, MS, PhD(c)

Director of Research & PhD Candidate

Research Institute, Parker University & Department of Pediatrics, University of Alberta




Dr. Katie Pohlman is a Clinical Research Scientist at Parker University in Dallas, TX, USA and a PhD candidate at the University of Alberta with an anticipated graduation date of Spring 2018. Her research interest is in the development of a transparent and just patient safety culture for providers who deliver spinal manipulation therapy, as well as the safe and effective delivery of manual therapy for the pediatric, pregnant and post-partum populations. Dr. Pohlman started her scientific career as a project manager at the Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research where she was a team member for several federally funded research projects, she then became a member of the Complementary and  alternative Medicine Research and Education (CARE) program at the University of Alberta, and is now at Parker University. In addition to her degrees, she also has a certification in chiropractic pediatrics and had a certification as a clinical research associate.


Ongoing research

  • Assessment of active and passive surveillance to collect adverse event reports for the pediatric population after chiropractic care

  • Active surveillance to collect adverse events after spinal manipulation therapy

  • Patient safety attitudes and opinions – a cross-sectional survey*

  • Chiropractic pediatric systematic review update

  • Identification of patient-centered outcomes utilized in pediatric populations

  • Best practices for chiropractic care and the pregnant / postpartum population

  • Development of Evidence-Based Curriculum within chiropractic institutions


Research publications

  • Goertz CM, Long CR, Vining RD, Pohlman KA, Walter J, Coulter I. The addition of chiropractic to usual medical care for low back pain: A controlled trial. JAMA Network Open. 2018;1(1):e180105. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.0105

  • Goertz CM, Long C, Vining R, Pohlman KA, Kane B, Corber L, Walter J, Coulter I. Assessment of chiropractic treatment for active duty, US military personnel with low back pain: a comparative effectiveness clinical trial with adaptive allocation (ACT 1). Trials 2016 Feb 9;17(1):70. [Download here]

  • Pohlman KA, Carroll L, Hartling L, Tsuyuki R, Vohra S. Pediatric chiropractors’ attitudes and opinions towards patient safety. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2016 Sept;39(7):487-493.

  • Hewitt E, Hestbaek L, Pohlman KA. Core competencies of the certified pediatric chiropractor: results of a Delphi consensus process. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2016 Apr;21(2):110-114.

  • Pohlman KA, O’Beirne M, Thiel H, Cassidy JD, Mior S, Hurwitz EL, Westaway M, Ishaque S, Yager JY, Vohra S. Development and validation of providers’ and patients’ measurement instruments to evaluate adverse events after spinal manipulation therapy. Eur J Integrative Medicine: special Patient Safety edition 2014;6(4):451-466. [Download here]

  • Pohlman KA, Hondras MA, Long CR, Haan AR. Practice patterns of doctors of chiropractic with a pediatric diplomate: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Complement Altern Med 2010;10:26. [Download here]